Teflon tapes from Edisy Trading Supplier Philippines are glass fiber cloth tapes with silicone adhesive. They are used in applications where high-temperature resistance is required and can be applied to heat-sealing machines. Non-adhesive Teflon sheets can be made into curtains of heating tunnels to trap temperature.

Edisy Trading Philippines - Teflon Tapes

Product Specifications:
Brand: Chukoh
Material: Glass fiber cloth (0.075, 0.130, 0.160, and 0.180mm)
Color: Tan and white
Standard tape widths: 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72mm
Standard lengths: 12 inches, 1 and 10m

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Tel Nos.: (00632) 361-1893, 361-3080, 361-3072, 332-7236, 361-3059, and 363-5064 | Fax No.: (00632) 361-4417 and 361-4447
E-mail: edisytrd@yahoo.com, edisytradingcorp@yahoo.com